At the beginning I was but anxious to use the machine but Xavier reassure me by is professionalism. As soon as I start to use it I could feel my muscles working and getting result really quickly. It’s also really challenging!
EMS training is very different to anything I have tried before. I have found it especially helpful at times when I struggle to fit in as much exercise as I would like as it leaves me feeling energised and it has helped me to improve my fitness and strength. It does feel quite weird to begin with but after a couple of sessions I got used to the sensation and felt a lot more relaxed. Each session is challenging and even simple movements can seem hard to do which makes for some funny moments and actually have you laughing during your workout.
Having had a number of EMS sessions with Xavier and his machine, I can say the feelings on the muscle is no pain as such, the sensation is that your muscles are being worked as if you were having a very heavy session using weights. It takes a couple of days to feel the end result. The session is short but very rewarding!! You need to try it!