Sport and Exercise Science BSc – Uni. of Seville Spain

Xavi Gomez – Vision for the Future

My vision for EMS Fitness has always been to simply use physical training as a foundation for my life’s purpose. I believe that we are entitled to a healthy life in every area – our work as trainers has the power to improve your quality of life emotionally, spiritually and socially – giving you the tools and techniques to overcome your challenges and grow personally.

Through responsible training, a focus on diet, energetic activities and supporting you while you may be navigating tough personal times (in full and strict confidence) we fulfil our team’s mission to make the world a better place, one person at time.


My Personal Philosophy

I believe that everyone struggles with life at times.  Battles and obstacles make us stronger and more resilient and you might never know what someone has had to suffer. My journey has taught me one invaluable lesson and that’s to follow exactly what’s in my heart, while surrounding myself with inspired people who support me, lift me up and show me the way to love and to heal.


What does Training and Health mean to Me?

Everything we do requires energy.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s physical work, mental concentration or simply sitting having fun.  We need to have the resources.  It’s fitness that gives us energy. That’s why I have developed my MMSS training technique that gives people what they need to create a strong body and mind – on which they can build any life they like.

Many people will tell you that you never realise the importance of your health until you lose it.  I believe that through my work, improving health – I demonstrate the clear benefits to people, helping them to stop worrying about losing their health – and to start enjoying the benefits of exercise and working out.


My Beliefs

Despite what you see on YouTube and the thousands of Facebook ads that populate your feed, there are no magical solutions that give you immaculate health and the perfect body. And in fact, thinking that such things exist is probably going to make you unhappy.

Invest instead in yourself. A lifetime of healthy habits secures your best possible future. Life is as long as you want to make it – but what’s most important are the moments you spend with those you love – so make sure you have as many of these special times as possible. Live more, live healthily and live to love.


The Final Word

It doesn’t matter how talented you are. It doesn’t matter what you were born with or if you were the star footballer or best ballet dancer in your youth. What matters is today – here and now. So make sure you do something for yourself every day.