Week One Mood: What have I let myself in for  

Weight: 107.5 kg (16.8 stone)

Diet Overview: I will start next week. I am better when I start on a Monday.

Additional Activities: Stop hassling me. I’m too busy with work.

Get Up – Stand Up

Wednesday morning is here. I get out of bed. My momentary good feeling is scuppered by the realisation the gym and Xavi loom on my morning horizon. Pulling on the sports shoes, filling up the water bottle and eating breakfast I know today is going to be pain. After 3 months of missing workouts my body can already sense the punishment.


I get to the gym and Xavi is happy and in his normal mood. As I push myself constantly in my professional life, it becomes easy for me to justify a lack of effort in other areas. Because of this I really need a personal trainer with a lot of energy who simply won’t let me off the hook. Attitude is a big part of this and right from the off, Xavi is there encouraging me and setting the mood with a bit of pumping house.


We start as we mean to continue. After 1000m on the rower, Xavi sets me a decreasing run of exercises with 150m rows in between. Push-ups, squats, shoulder presses all feature on the list with 10 of the most dreaded exercise of all – burpees. In predictable fashion, after the first exercise I am ready to drop and there’s only another 19 to go. Over the course of an hour we get through most of it, but after the push ups my body goes rigid and I give up.

I’m in the Food for Love

Xavi lets me off the final exercise on the basis that this is crunch time for me getting back in the zone. We talk about diet – a good conversation, but to this date I have not taken on any of the advice, stuffing my face with fish and chips and chocolate right through the weekend, before finishing with a massive plate of mash and chicken last night.

However, I know when I stop eating sugar my diet becomes much more regulated. I stopped smoking three years ago and know that if I can just pass through the cravings then I’ll be home and dry. So today it starts. Bye-bye sugar.

Will I manage to make it through to the second gym session? Is my goal to wipe out sugar realistic and tenable, knowing that a single biscuit can throw me off course? Find out the answers to these questions with my next blog on Thursday this week…

And if you want help with the fitness and flab… Call Xavi today!