Last Saturday I attended a workshop hosted by EMS Fitness. George, one of the trainers was the expert and he started prompt on 10.00. As this was a morning session I was impressed by the laid back format and the easy nature of the course. We started off with a bunch of slides going through some diet myths and it was great to see how much rubbish is peddled by the industry that you can simply dismiss.

Realistic Relationships with Food

 Throughout the course we talked a lot about developing a healthy relationship with food. When you’re trying to lose weight it’s very easy to go over the top and become somewhat spartan and punitive in your personal approach. George explained how you can get away with having changes to your diet and not sticking to the old chicken breast and brown rice every night, but still lose weight.

Calorie Deficit

 The big takeaway, if you’ll excuse the pun, because in fairness to myself, it’s been weeks since I had any kind of takeaway was that to lose weight you need a calorie deficit. When they amount of energy you’re taking in is less than the energy expending, your body will dip into its reserves of fat and energy and help you to lose weight.

And when this process is underlined by an understanding of the different food groups you need to remain healthy and not end up with diet fatigue and a feeling of emptiness then you’re on the winning path.

What I Discovered…

 The most important thing that came out of the workshop was finding out that I am not alone. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by adverts and there are cakes placed at key positions around checkouts in supermarkets. Everywhere is offering you sweet coffee or tea and buffet breakfasts and nibbles seem to be a standard for networking events.

To remain vigilant with your diet is hard work and everyone at the workshop was so supportive, talking about different techniques they’d tried. Some people were vegetarian and others had tried keto – and George was excellent at facilitating conversation between everyone.

My Next Move…

 Possibly my most shocking revelation was the unbelievable calorific value of butter. Now I have managed to give up sugar my go-to snack is a slice of brown toasted smothered in the yellow stuff, which is apparently is taking me from calorie deficit into calorie surplus. And I haven’t lost any more weight in a couple of weeks. Although I am banging on the muscle.

And If You Want Expert Advice

 Get the expert advice you need to combine diet and exercise from EMS Fitness Team, giving you a complete view of your lifestyle. They’ll review your exercise regime and work to understand how you can fit in a realistic diet that will help you hit your goals.