Week One Mood: The hurt goes on and on   

Weight: 106.0 kg (16.8 stone)

Diet Overview: Just say no (to sugar).

Additional Activities: Tonight is the night… I assemble my bike.

Oh the Mockery

So I have set up my stall on the internet someone hastily. Mockery has reigned in from all angles from the likes of famous UK ex-club promoter Paul Roche and Norwich photocopier magnate Jamie “The Truth” Mulhall.

What have I let myself in for?

I guess this time I cannot back out and with a degree of public accountability resting on my shoulders I march towards the King Street gym with a degree of certainty in my heart.

Diet – You Should Try It…

This is the week when my eating habits kick in. I need to change my eating patterns if I am going to make it good on my personal weight loss promise. Sugar is the demon that’s holding me back. Whenever I have the sweet stuff my appetite becomes erratic and uncontrollable. Over the years I have beat tobacco and alcohol, so sugar is the next thing in my sights.

And when I step on the scales Xavi tells me I have lost a whole kilo. I cannot believe it. Especially seeing as I was stuffing my face all over the weekend. This news puts me in a good place for the start of my sesh…

On a Mission

Does anyone even say that anymore? I don’t really care as I work through the kettlebell swings and snatches, eat the floor during the press-ups and stretch out my hamstrings.

What can I say. I would have given up myself during the deadlifts, but Xavi is not having any of it. Consistently pushing me through the pain barrier I get twice as much done as last week and don’t feel half as tired. Even though I am not up to full capacity I know this is starting to work for me.

Eating’s not cheating

And it’s worth mentioning the support that Xavi has given me concerning my personal weight goals. I am lazy in the kitchen and even though I can cook I generally stick to the same things. Through my Whatsapp sessions Xavi sent me a whole load of personal eating advice. It’s the next stage in the equation and something I know that I have to do. And it seems that my man isn’t going to let it go.

I wanted a new lifestyle and it seems that by gosh… I am getting one.

Will I manage to make it through to the second gym session? Is my goal to wipe out sugar realistic and tenable, knowing that a single biscuit can throw me off course? Find out the answers to these questions with my next blog on Thursday this week…

And if you want help with the fitness and flab… Call Xavi today!