Naturally, all of the current EMS Fitness Norwich squad have one thing in common. They all want to get the best out of themselves. And to access the long term health benefits made possible by smashing goals and getting results.

We are incredibly grateful to work with such a bunch of motivated people. Sharing in their success is a wonderful feeling.

Of course, this great community and all our achievements didn’t happen by pure chance. Our daily efforts are a big part of the picture. We personalise the gym and training room experience for every one of our clients – so today we wanted to give you an overview of the commitment we integrate into every aspect of our training sessions.

Because when you work with EMS Fitness – we are dedicated to helping you change your life in a positive way. Whether that’s weight loss, increase in cardio performance, pushing high level athletic abilities or even busting out your lifetime deadlift 1RM.

How do we do this?

  • Firstly we work to understand your own goals – and how these evolve over time – allowing us to build a unique program of training that adapts to your individualised characteristics.


  • Over time, we create a balanced system of exercise that keeps your sessions fresh and challenging. This uses the MSMS methodology to ensure that the four pillars of exercise are engaged – mobility, stability, strength and metabolic conditioning. Each one of these disciplines ensures that you have the physical resources to handle everything life can throw at you – with high levels of well being and health.


  • To complement individual sessions we also provide you with group training classes. Push your levels of performance at high intensity interval training. Bootcamp develops your cardio endurance. Stretching relaxes and strengthens tired muscles. And of course there’s the positive group atmosphere and accountability you get from being part of a team.


  • Eating is a big part of anyone’s health. What we put in our bodies is every bit as important as our activities. All our trainers understand nutrition, energy and the challenges presented by eating well in a city covered in places to eat and small shops selling alluring sweet treats. However our understand approach to diet is about building a sustainable plan – not a yo-yo system of starvation – rather an ongoing lifestyle plan that allows you to achieve the weight you want.


  • And finally we look at how all these areas work together to give you fitness – and help you to belong at EMS Fitness. All our trainers discuss work with each client to help you stay on track. Your mentality is the final part of the picture. And we believe community and social interaction is a big part of being happy in yourself – and that’s why we always encourage a family atmosphere at the gym.

And our approach changes as you progress.

Everyone knows people who are gym mad for 3 years and then they suddenly drop out. A few weeks break can turn into a few months. Our trainers are always prepared to sit down with our clients and ensure that their sessions are meaningful and useful – even working with activities outside the gym – such as running or talking about opportunities to play team sport in and around the city.

If you’d like to find out how we could work with you – then call us up and arrange an initial appointment with one of our senior trainers. If you like our approach and attitude we can arrange to build a unique set of exercises and activities with you – as well as giving you a nutritional analysis, helping you start or even improve on the next stage of your fitness journey.